bdstory1.txt The Phone Call Janette had a trying day at work. She came home feeling frustrated and out of sorts but didn't know what to do about it. She didn't feel like cooking dinner for Allan, so she just sat on the sofa with a drink and listlessly thumbed through a magazine. Allan was due home in a half hour and she would deal with dinner then. She was about through with the scotch and soda when the phone rang. "Damn", she thought, "another stupid solicitor." She answered the phone in a gruff manner and was surprised to hear a mysterious, commanding voice. "Take careful note of what I say, and follow my orders perfectly. When I hang up, go to the bedroom and remove all of your clothing. Go to your lingerie drawer, select your most feminine undergarment and put it on. Select a pair of white ankle socks with a lacy ruffle and a pair of red high heel shoes and put those on. Go to the Special Drawer and get a blindfold, a large dildo, leather wrist cuffs, a 12" chain and two locks. Insert the dildo and make sure it is firmly held in place by the undergarment. Go out to the sofa in the living room, sit down and put on the blindfold. Lock yourself in the wrist cuffs with the 12" chain behind you. Wait for further orders." The mysterious caller then hung up. By the time the phone call was over, Janettes's heart was beating harder and she felt dizzy and flushed. She felt that she could not resist the orders of the caller. She lowered the phone onto its cradle and dreamily went into the bedroom. Slave Leia began to respond to the Master's wishes. Leia went to her dresser and opened the drawer containing her finest lingerie. She knew just the item the Master had meant. She withdrew the satin and lace teddy and held the sensuous material to her hot cheek. She began to daydream a little but was snapped out of it by the thought of what would happen if the Master found out she was not obeying his orders to the letter. She removed her blouse and skirt and neatly hung them in the closet. Although Leia had a lovely body, her "work" undergarments did nothing to accentuate it. She removed her low-heeled shoes, panty-hose, bra and panties and shivered in the cool afternoon air. As her breasts hung free, she could feel her nipples tingling. But she had no time for marveling at the sensations - her Master might be home any minute. Leia's thoughts were being more focused by the second. She went over to the bed and picked up the teddy. This was a more old-fashioned garment than the current, tight fitting, high-cut teddies you see today. It was made of smooth, white satin with fine red ribbon threaded through the lace on the shoulder straps and bodice. Another red satin ribbon tied at the waist to help define Leia's delicate waist and to highlight her breasts. What made the garment special was the the tap pant style legs. They were like a very short skirt that would caress her derriere as she walked yet would provide a little modesty by virtue of the snap crotch. She knew from past experience that the Master enjoyed running his hands up, around and in the open legs, making her tremble with an exposed, vulnerable feeling. As he put on the teddy, she began to experience that wonderful, submissive feeling that came when she wore such clothing. She went to her stocking drawer and took out the ankle socks that the Master had specified. The delicate red ribbon in the lace around the cuff matched the teddy perfectly. She thought it strange that the Master wanted ankle socks, since stockings seemed more appropriate with high heels. She put them on and went to the closet to get her red heels. They were normal dress pumps but she had found some with 4" heels. She put them on and turned to look at herself in the bathroom mirror. She was surprised to see what greeted her. Just a half hour ago she was a reasonably attractive college research assistant and now she was transformed into a feminine, submissive female. The high heels gave her a saucy posture that drew attention to and highlighted her lovely figure. The ankle socks drew her eyes to her delicate ankles and the swell of her calves. The Master was clever in selecting her costume. She realized that she was wasting time. If the Master came home and she wasn't ready, there would be punishments she would have to endure. She went to the Special Drawer and retrieved the items the master wanted. The dildo always looked far too big for her to accept, but it always seemed to be accommodated. She carefully moved aside the crotch of the teddy and slowly inserted the device. By this time Leia had been become very aroused and had no trouble inserting it almost all the way. She shivered with goose bumps since the dildo had not yet warmed to her body temperature. She knew that in a few minutes, the huge member would work itself fully into her. She stretched the teddy crotch and fitted it into the notch the Master had cut into the bottom of the dildo, insuring that it would not be forced out by her involuntary muscle contractions. She went out to the sofa as the Master had ordered. As she walked, she was very aware of the motion her hips imparted to the dildo and it further intensified her arousal. When she got to the sofa, she carefully sat down, allowing the huge device to shift appropriately. She thought about turning on the stereo to help pass the time once she was finished with her preparations, but that was not part of the Master's orders. She arranged the wrist cuffs, locks and chain so she would not have too much trouble confining herself once she was blindfolded. Leia then put on the blindfold her Master had made for her. He was very concerned that it was completely effective, so it had four adjusting straps. The first fastened the blindfold behind her head and she was careful to get the straps snug enough. She also had to be careful and not get her long hair caught in the buckle. Her Master insisted on her hair always being neat and there were specific punishments that covered messy hair. The second strap went over her head and attached to the first strap, preventing the blindfold from slipping down and admitting light from the top. A third, double strap went down both sides of her nose along her cheeks and fastened underneath her chin, preventing the blindfold from moving up and admitting light from the bottom. The last strap connected to the chin strap and fastened behind her neck, preventing the chin strap from slipping forward and losing its effectiveness. When Leia finished adjusting all the straps and making sure her hair was still perfect, she was in total darkness. Her last preparation was to chain her hands behind her back. She knew this was necessary to prevent her from lifing the blindfold to check the clock. She would quickly lose track of the time when she was blindfolded and her Master knew she couldn't be trusted to not peak. The wrist cuffs were simple but effective devices. Each was a simple leather strap with a metal loop riveted to one end and 4 slots cut in the other end. She wrapped the first cuff around her right wrist and inserted the loop in a slot that produced a secure fit. Using a lock, Leia then locked one end of the chain to the loop, securing the cuff at the same time. When she first had to do this blindfolded, she had lots of trouble, but over the past few months had gotten very adept at it. Locking the second cuff could be a little more difficult, since her hands were now behind her back, but since the Master had specified a 12" chain, Leia had little trouble with her final task. Now all she had to do was wait. In the darkness of the blindfold, the sensations she was experiencing were enhanced to the point where she could think of nothing else. In a normal situation, she would have been distinctly uncomfortable. Her high heels imposed their will upon her feet, forcing them into a high arch. The dildo exerted a unique pressure all its own, filling her with its unyielding shape. With her hands chained behind her back, she had to sit forward at a slight angle that forced the base of the dildo to press on her clitoris. Any movement that she made, any squirming, rewarded her with a higher plateau of arousal as the satin of her teddy caressed her erect nipples. The air in the house was still cool causing occasional shivers to course through her. After awhile, she could feel the straps of her blindfold resisting the pulsing of her blood. Time seemed to go very slowly, making it seem like hours since her Master had imposed his will on her. The frustrations of her day seemed to recede into the distant past. Soon, she stopped noticing the coolness of the house as her own sexual heat began to radiate from within her. She was ready for anything her Master wished to do to her. Although Leia felt that it was hours since the phone call, it was only 30 minutes. Shortly after Allan called, he left work and began his 10 mile commute. By the time he pulled into the drive-way, he had mentally transformed himself from the mild-mannered aerospace engineer to Leia's Master. They had a very good marriage, living the ideal of a modern day couple, sharing their lives equally with mutual respect. However, every so often they felt the need to return to the ancient biological roles of dominant male and submissive female. This was their secret life and it made dealing with the modern world much easier. There was no formal time they did this - they just seemed to know when the other was ready for a special night at home. Most times, they both felt the need at the same time, as if they had a special telepathic ability. This was one of those days. The Master When Allan quietly entered the house it was dark. Leia had begun her preparations at dusk and had not turned on any lights. He could see her outline on the sofa and stood and watched for a few minutes. He could see her move a little every so often and could tell she was deeply into her submissive role. She would moan sometimes, probably from the friction of the dildo on her clitoris. The Master entered the room. "Are you ready to submit?" Leia almost fainted from the surprise of hearing her Master. She trembled and whispered a faint, "Yes, Master". "Stand". Leia had to turn sideways to get enough leverage to rise on her high heels. As she did, the dildo shifted within her and she almost had an orgasm. The Master sensed this and noted that he must be careful to avoid any early release of her aroused state. As she stood, she had trouble getting a sense of balance and the Master had to support her. As he held her arms firmly in his hands, he pulled her toward him and kissed her gently on her lips. Her moaning prompted him to let her lean on his chest while he ran his hands over the satin teddy she wore. She knew he would reach underneath and caress her smooth thighs and bottom but he purposely withheld that pleasure - for the time being. "Present yourself to me in a proper slave posture". Leia stood as straight as she could, exaggerating the delightful curve of the small of her back imposed by her high heels. The Master walked around, admiring the way her costume accentuated her charms. While she maintained her position, he went into the bedroom and changed into his grey velour robe. When he returned, Leia was as he left her. She knew there were punishments for breaking a slave posture before her Master released her from it. "There will be three punishments tonight. You have earned them by failing to provide a proper breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and you have endangered your Master in your failing". Janette almost broke out laughing at the silliness of that statement, but the slave Leia knew there would be serious repercussions in such an act. "Yes, Master. I beg forgiveness, Master." "You may beg forgiveness when the punishments have been carried out". "Yes, Master". The Master went into the bedroom and opened the Special Drawer. He removed a black leather collar that matched the wrist cuffs Leia was wearing. He also retrieved the keys to the wrist cuff locks from their hiding place. He went back to Leia and removed the wrist cuffs she had locked on herself. She did not move her arms, since she was still in the slave posture and it didn't matter whether she was bound or not, she must not move. The Master took her wrists and put them in the small of her back so that they were parallel to each other. He then took one of the wrist cuffs and wrapped it around both wrists and put the last slot over the metal loop. The cuffs were designed to be big enough to contain one or both wrists. One end of the chain was locked on the cuff, securing Leia's hands behind her back perfectly. She could move them up or down a little, but the width and tightness of the cuff prevented her wrists from moving too much out of parallel. Leia was told to lift her head. The Master then gently placed the 3" wide collar strap around her neck and fastened it with the loop under her hair. Leia shivered when the leather touched her neck. She was always fearful of anything around her throat, which made the collar a powerful fetish for the Master. Its width restricted her head movements and she became very still so that she would not feel its presence too much. This was all in vain, since the Master then raised the other end of the chain connected to her wrist cuff and locked it on the collar loop. The chain was just long enough to raise her wrists above the parallel. She would have to hold them in this position to prevent pulling on the collar. She also had to lean back a little for prevent the cold chain from touching her exposed back. The Master enjoyed this position because Leia would invariably let the chain brush against her which would cause her to jerk her hands down and pull on the collar. It would take her a few moments to regain control of herself when this happened. This was then a good time for the Master to begin to caress her satin-covered body and probe beneath the legs of her teddy. Soon, Leia was begging the Master to stop. She was ready for her first punishment. The Punishments The Master led Leia over to the banister for the stairway leading to the basement. The banister acts as a room divider and has 2" posts supporting a 6" wide top railing. Leia was told to kneel in front of the banister. With her wrists bound, the Master had to help her. He then helped her lie down on her stomach perpendicular to the banister with her knees bent and her lower legs against one of the banister uprights. The Master went into the utility room to get some 1/4" clothesline that he had recently washed in fabric softener. Before he applied the rope, he removed Leia's high heels and ankle socks. He then began binding her legs to the upright, using 6 turns of the rope at her knees, mid-calf and ankles. Leia's feet were splayed to either side of the post, which looked very untidy. To remedy this, the Master took a white shoelace and bound Leia's big toes together and then to the post. Since Leia is very ticklish, this caused her to do much squirming. "Now you're first punishment will begin". The Master had stopped at a craft store on the way home and had purchased a large peacock feather. He began gently caressing her body with the feather. Her upper arms, her back, her thighs, her buttocks all received its attention. The Master could tell that Leia had guessed the true nature of her punishment because she began to beg not to have her feet tickled. As immobile as they were, she felt she could not stand to be tickled there. But Masters must be firm, and the punishment was delivered. Leia completely forgot about her sensitive neck as she frantically tried to reach her feet with her hands to protect them, but of course, her bondage was perfect. Although the Master only punished her for a few minutes, it seemed like an eternity to Leia. All her squirming caused the legs of her teddy to ride up on her bottom and expose the lower half of her sensitive bottom cheeks. The Master took this as a hint and began to spank Leia. After each slap, she would reflexively contract her buttocks which had the direct result of causing her to clench on the dildo. After 10 hits, the Master could tell Leia was about to make herself come, so he ended the first punishment and allowed Leia to regain her composure. After a period of rest, the Master unbound his slave's legs from their post. He gently helped her to the sofa where he removed her dildo. This naturally had to be done slowly and carefully, with much twisting. Her arms were left bound and her blindfold was not removed. "Please, Master, make me come now". "A slave does not determine her own destiny". "Yes, Master". The aroused slave was taken down to the basement for her next punishment. The Master had to carefully help her down the stairs since she was still blindfolded and bound and a little wobbly. She was taken to the Master's workshop where her wrist cuff and collar were removed. "May a slave hug her Master?" "Yes". Leia happily wrapped her arms around her Master and raised her lips to be kissed. The Master obliged her simple request and hugged her tightly. The Master could tell that Leia deeply desired to service him, but knew that he must be firm in the punishments lest the slave loose respect. After an appropriate time, the Master signaled for the hug to end. "Hold out your hands with your wrists together". "Yes, Master". The Master took the soft belt from his robe and proceeded to bind his slave's wrists. He wrapped the belt snuggly around her wrists four times and then cinched the turns by taking two wraps perpendicular to the first four. This tightened the turns and left some space between her wrists. Even though the material was soft, Leia was firmly bound. Next the Master took some 3/8" nylon rope and tied it to the belt between her wrists. The other end of the rope was passed through an eyehook in the ceiling, pulled taught and fastened. Leia's arms were not stretched tightly, but she was very vulnerable and helpless. With her arms upraised, her breasts were cleanly defined by the smooth satin of her teddy. This position also exposed the lower parts of her bottom to whatever ministrations the Master desired. "The slave was very noisy during her first punishment. To prevent a repetition of this behavior, the slave will be gagged during her second punishment. To prepare the slave for future service, a dildo gag will be used". The dildo gag was custom made by the Master. It had a wide leather strap that could be secured behind the slave's head. A 2" long piece of dildo was affixed to the middle of the strap. Once fastened on Leia, she was effectively silenced, only able to moan incoherently. The strap covered her lips and the dildo held her mouth open and kept the strap from slipping up or down. Leia didn't like this gag very much because it made her jaws ache after awhile, but she new it was a good stretching exercise that would pay off later when the Master allowed her to service him. After securing the gag, the Master got a 2' by 4' piece of 3/4" particle board that had metal loops attached to it at three places; one at each end of the long dimension and one in the middle. He moved the slave back from under the ceiling hook and placed the board directly under it. Leia was then positioned on the board. The Master took the wrist cuffs and attached one to each of Leia's ankles. The 12" chain and another like it where connected to the cuffs with double ended snap hooks. "Spread your legs". Leia spread her legs a little more than a comfortable distance apart. From experience, she knew what her Master desired. The other ends of the chains were then snuggly attached to the loops at the far ends of the board. Leia was now securely fastened in a position of maximum accessibility. To complete the preparations for the second punishment, the Master pulled the overhead rope tight enough to cause Leia to rise on her tip toes. Her heels were no farther off the floor than when she wore her high heel shoes, but of course, they weren't supported. Leia knew that she would soon tire of standing like this, but could do nothing about it. The Master began to caress Leia everywhere. He started at her bound wrists and slowly and lovingly worked his way down her tightly stretched body to the bottoms of her feet. He could see her erect nipples giving mute witness to the sensations she was experiencing. He carefully avoided her most sensitive area, saving that for later. Leia knew her punishment was to become aroused to the point where she would shamelessly beg through her gag to be brought to climax. Knowing this only made it worse. The Master loved to see how close he could get to her sensitive labia without actually touching them. This proved difficult, as Leia would frantically try to position her love nest where she thought he would go next. But the Master was clever and couldn't be tricked. When Leia was aroused to an almost climatic state, the Master stopped and prepared himself for the culmination of this punishment. Leia was moaning and writhing with her needs. The Master was very satisfied with his work so far; Leia's skin was flushed with a sex blush like she never had had before. To finish the punishment, the Master got the electric hand massager and plugged it in. When he turned it on, Leia responded to the familiar sound with increased moaning and writhing. He then completely caressed her entire body with the massager (except for the one important part) and brought her to a frantic peak. Being careful to not touch her clitoris, the Master unsnapped the bottom of the teddy and viewed Leia swollen and shiny labia. He gently touched her clit with his vibrating fingers and witnessed Leia spasmodically jerk as if an electric shock had gone through her body. he knew she could not hold out much longer and went about fulfilling her. As he rubbed her sex, he could see her take all the weight off her feet so that she suspended herself completely by her wrists. He knew that under normal circumstances, this would cause her great discomfort but now it magnified her pleasure tremendously. As she began to come, he buried his hand in her mound and literally grabbed hold of her clitoris. It was lucky that her feet were chained to the board, for she went completely wild and out of control. The Master thought it was probably the longest Leia had ever orgasmed. Soon she hung limp from her wrists with her head thrown back and began sobbing. The Master quickly unfastened her legs and lowered her gently to the floor. He removed her gag, untied her hands and covered her with a soft down comforter so that she might rest and regain her strength. "The slave has one more punishment". "Oh, Master. I am so tired". The Master knew that this would be the real punishment. She must come again. As Leia rested, the Master prepared the last punishment. He got a 2x4 that would reach between the floor board and the ceiling hook. There was a notch in the bottom that fit over the middle loop of the floor board. When the top was clamped to the ceiling hook, it made a secure bondage post. 1/4" holes were drilled every 3" along the post, allowing eyehooks to be positioned as the Master deemed fit. "The slave will remove her clothing and kneel against the bondage post". "Yes, Master. Please help Leia, since she cannot see". The Master helped Leia out of the teddy and then positioned her on her knees with her back to the post. He crossed her wrists in front of her and fastened the wrist cuff on them. After securing an eyebolt about 6" above her head, he fastened her bound wrists to it. This presented her body in a most attractive manner. She still had a sheen from the perspiration caused by her last punishment. Her hair was damp in places, but that was excusable. The Master took some time out from his work to gently pinch her nipples. Leia moaned softly. She was beginning to get aroused again, against her will. "Cross your ankles behind the post". This forced the slave to spread her legs, opening her private region to the whims of her Master. He then took a short belt and a 2" ring, put the ring on the belt and bound Leia's ankles with it. She was now firmly pinioned against the post. To prevent any undue discomfort, the Master had Leia raise each knee while he put a thick foam pad under each one. "Thank you, Master". "Does the slave wish to be gagged?" "No, Master". To prevent the slave from hurting herself, the Master kindly, but not gently, fastened two large belts around Leia's waist and above her breasts. When he pulled them tight, Leia moaned under the pressure of their restraint. She felt as if she was now part of the bondage post, unable to move. But the Master had further delights for her. Another eyebolt was fastened near the first and a longer chain was attached to it with a snap hook. The Master lifted Leia's ankles from the floor and pulled them up until he could she her thigh muscles begin to strain. He connected the loose end of the chain to the ring on her ankle strap with a snap hook, leaving her unable to move her legs and caused her to strain forward against the waist strap. As a crowning touch, the Master took a long, silk scarf and wrapped it around the post and across the helpless slave's mouth. As long as she kept her mouth closed, she would not be gagged, but this fastened her head firmly to the post. The only movement that was not restricted was the helpless fluttering of her hands. The Master knew that Leia must be getting fatigued by now, so decided to reward her with quick but complete orgasm. Although Leia could not tolerate much pain normally, she relished a certain amount when she was coming. With her breasts exposed and fully displayed by this bondage position, he knew that nipple clamps would be perfect. He had some specially modified clothes pin that had small screws that could adjust the clamping pressure. Leia liked to use them on herself sometimes so the pressure was currently just at her threshold of pain. The Master adjusted the screws just a bit tighter so that she would get the best orgasm possible. He put them aside for the right moment. Leia seemed to be in a dreamy state, experiencing that floating feeling she gets when she is totally bound and helpless. The Master could see she was completely relaxed and not supporting her self at all. She had relinquished control of her body to her bondage completely. "Is the slave ready?" "Oh, yes, Master, please". Again the Master employed the massager to stimulate her body. He was careful to not cause any tickling that would disturb her almost hypnotic state. As he massaged her breasts, her nipples responded with a life of their own. She began to softly moan through the silk covering her mouth. He hips began to pulsate with a rising sexual heat. The Master lowered his hand to her sex and gently vibrated first her labia, then her clitoris. Soon her whole body began move as if possessed by an outside force, straining against the tight bonds. He then gently bit her nipples, bring shivers of ecstasy to her body. She was beginning her final climb to an orgasmic height she rarely reached. The Master gently put a vibrating finger on each side of her clitoris and pulled upward, engulfing her entire pelvic area in the irresistible song of the vibrator. As he expected, he could sense her trying to exert some control over when she came. This was not proper for a slave, so he deemed it time to apply the nipple clamps. As the first one bit into her swollen left nipple, she began to loose her self control and started to moan louder and louder. When the second clamp found its target, Leia let loose and was swallowed by the intense rush of the most complete orgasm she had ever experienced. Ever muscle in her body was tense and trembling. After 20 seconds of unrelenting orgasm, Leia fainted. The Master quickly removed her bindings and gently laid her on the floor with the comforter. She quickly regained consciousness and said, "Thank you, Master, your slave is very, very happy".